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Help us make Ashleworth

- a wildlife friendly village


Bee orchid St Michaels 2021-06-09 (4).JPG

We would like to make Ashleworth a wildlife friendly village by improving habitats and involving local residents and landowners


Go Wild in Ashleworth is the name of our project 


We hope we can apply for some grants once our project develops and we would like people to donate time and skills as well as financial help

Get Involved

We want everyone to take part in whatever way they can, from making their own gardens wildlife friendly to community planting

News 1

Our project is well underway and we are asking villagers to join in with any help or ideas they may have. We have formed a committee which will enable us to apply for funding as we are constitutionalised.

We would love some guest bloggers to write about any aspects of wildlife.

News 2

Latest Project

Members of our group have made over 60 birdboxes from pallets to distribute round the village. We hope they will all have residents.

Let us know if you have any birds nesting!

Let us know if you have any wildlife visiting your garden or if you see anything on your walks!

We'd love to see your photos too

News 3

Follow us on Facebook and Instagram for more info and news!

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